shea butter suppliers in Nigeria - SHEA BUTTER INTERNATIONAL
September 8, 2020

Unrefined Shea Butter Manufacturers

What You Need To Know About Shea Butter  Shea butter is a popular Type of natural fat that you get from the fruit seeds of the Shea butter tree. Usually, the tree is found in the West and Eastern parts of Africa. Shea butter is one of the most used natural ingredients and raw materials in the cosmetic industry. Typically, the shea butter comes in yellowish or off white colour depending on the fruit, when manufactured in its raw and unrefined form. If you are into cosmetic production or you’re a fan of cosmetic products with natural ingredients, you might consider employing the services of unrefined shea butter manufacturers. From Where Does Shea Butter Manufacturer Get Their Raw Products? Most unrefined shea butter manufactures get their raw nuts from about 21 countries. These countries are: Nigeria Niger Ghana Burkina-Faso Benin Cameroon Central African Republic (CAR) Chad Eritrea Ethiopia Guinea Bissau […]